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What is a Monster Kid?

What is a "Monster Kid"?  Generally it's a term used to define a generation of children who grew up in the middle of the great monster boom of the 60s and 70s. Universal Studios released their catalog of classic horror films to TV and children everywhere were introduced to the greatest horror films ever made. This was followed by the classic Aurora model kits, Halloween costumes, action figures, and some legendary horror movie television hosts that began popping up all over the country - including my all-time favorite Dr. Shock from Philadelphia.

It was a glorious time to be a kid and Monster Kid Studios' goal is to provide an outlet for Monster Kids everywhere - of all ages - who still thrill at the site of that little airplane circling the globe at the beginning of every great Universal monster movie.

With that being said, let’s not discount the Monster Kids who have come of age in the generations to follow. As we original Monster Kids were introduced to our favorite monsters at a young impressionable age, so were generations of Monster Kids since then. Modern era Monster Kids cut their teeth (so to speak) on legendary monsters of the last 40 years or so. Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhees, and Michael Myers are just as responsible for creating legions of horror fans as Frankenstein’s Monster or The Wolf Man. Monster Kid Studios is here for all monster and sci fi fans - young and old!

Check It Out…
If you're an old school Monster Kid like me and would like to take a walk down memory lane, please visit Like me, I'm sure seeing some of the old toys and games we enjoyed will bring back some fond memories. Also check out for a list of the Top Ten Coolest 70s Monster Toys, and for a list of the Top 10 all-time Horror Hosts (sadly my dear Dr. Shock is not included.) 

Monster Kid Studios founder Rich Savidge…and friend.

Monster Kid Studios founder Rich Savidge…and friend.

It's amazing we survived - visit for a list of the Most Dangerous Toys from Decades Past.

It's amazing we survived - visit for a list of the Most Dangerous Toys from Decades Past.